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FAQ Vocational Programs

1) What's the difference between an Advanced Course and a Vocational Program?
Both are postgraduate higher education courses aimed at developing specific professional skills.
Vocational Programs, which are structurally more complex, have a duration of no less than one year and lead to the award of a Professional Programme.
Advanced Courses may have a more limited duration (CFUs acquired of less than 60) and do not entitle students to the award of any degree. At the end of the course, students receive a certificate of attendance.

2) What's the difference between I level and II level Vocational Programs?
Both are higher education programmes, with a minimum duration of one year.
The level I Vocational Program is a 2 cycle course within the Italian university system, while the level II Vocational Program is a 3 cycle course. The difference lies in the entry requirements:

  • a three-year degree (or equivalent) is required to enter a level I course
  • a Master's degree (or equivalent) is required to enroll in a level II course.

However, each admission notice may limit access to the Program to certain qualifications and/or require additional requirements.

3) When are notices of admission to Vocational Programs published?
Notices of admission to Vocational Programs are usually published in two groups: the first group in September, the second group in November. Vocational Programs for international students may be published before these deadlines, ususally between January and June of the previous academic year.

4) Are Vocational Programs released in a given academic year also offered for subsequent years?
It depends: some Vocational Programs are offered on a regular basis, others every other year, others for a limited number of years (sometimes only for one edition).

5) How do I gain access to a Vocational Program?
Programs allow access to a limited number of students; if the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number of places available (indicated in the relevant Attachment of the Call for Admission), they will be subject to selection.

6) I hold a foreign qualification, can I apply to a Vocational Program?
You can apply for admission if the academic qualification you obtained abroad is comparable in duration and content to the Italian academic qualification required for access to the Programs.
Enrolment, however, remains subject to the validation of the qualification, for admission purposes only, by the Academic Board as well as the passing of any selection scheduled by the Program in the case of enrolments beyond the maximum allowed number.

International applicants residing abroad must respect the 'Procedures for foreign students’ access to university courses in Italy', which can be consulted on the website of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

If the candidates are VISA applicants, they must also complete the registration on the Universitaly portal as described in the relevant webpage.
Non-EU citizens, when enrolling, must present a copy of a valid residence permit.

Candidates with a foreign academic qualification, once they have completed the online application process and presented the Admission form, must upload, within the deadlines established in Attachments to this Call for Admission, the scan of the following documents:

a) Academic qualification required for admission issued in English/Spanish/French or officially translated in Italian 

  • LEGALIZED by the Italian embassy/consulate in your country (the legalization of documents is NOT required for Belgium, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland, France and Germany)
  • OR APOSTILLED (the apostille is only available for the signatory countries to the Hague Convention)
  • OR ACCOMPANIED by CIMEA Statement of Verification.

PLEASE NOTE: it is not mandatory to have the legalization/apostille/Statement of Verification, if not available yet, during the online application; but it will be necessary to have it within the enrollment deadline.

b) Transcript of records (list of and relevant marks) issued in English/Spanish/French or officially translated in Italian

c) IF your title HAS NOT been obtained in one of the Countries that are signatories to the Lisbon Recognition Convention

  • DECLARATION OF VALUE (DoV) issued by the Italian embassy/consulate
  • OR CIMEA Statement of Comparability
  • OR DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT(if the foreign qualification is issued by an european university).

     IF your title HAS been obtained in one of the Countries that are signatories to the Lisbon Recognition Convention

PLEASE NOTE: it is not mandatory to have the DoV/Statement of Comparability/Diploma Supplement/Statement of Correspondance, if not available yet, during the online application; but it will be necessary to have it within the enrollment deadline.

When completing the enrolment procedure, original versions of the required documentation must be presented.

Italian citizens holding an academic title obtained abroad, which has not already been declared equivalent to an Italian degree, must follow the same above-cited procedure.

7) Where can I find the Study Plan of a Vocational Program?
The Study Plan can be found in the appropriate Attachment of the Call for Admission for each course.
For further information, please contact the relevant Organizational Secretary.

8) Is an internship planned during a Vocational Program?
The Vocational Program necessarily includes an internship period aimed at graduation. Internships are carried out exclusively at companies that have an agreement with the University.

9) Is participation in the Program compulsory?
Students attendance to the various training activities is structured as follows:

  • internship activities, practical and laboratory exercises: compulsory
  • attendance teaching activities: compulsory for at least 75% of the total number of hours.

The training period may not be suspended.
Transfers to similar Vocational Programs at other universities are not allowed.

10) When does my Vocational Program start?
Generally, Vocational Programs start early in the year, but some Programs start earlier, in October or November. For information on the class schedule, contact the relevant Organizational Secretary.

11) How long does a Vocational Program last?
A Vocational Program has a normal duration of one academic year (equivalent to 60 ECTS). Some may also have a two-year duration (equivalent to 120 ECTS) with a preliminary test at the transition from year 1 to year 2.
For more details, please refer to the specific Attachment of the relevant Call for Admission.

12) How much does a Vocational Program costs? Can I request that the instalments of the enrollment fee are rescheduled differently?
Each Program provides for a specific fee to be paid in a single instalment upon enrollment or in several instalments with certain deadlines (for costs and payment methods, please refer to the specific Attachment of the relevant Call for Admission.)

It's not possible to request the modification of instalments already set in terms of due dates and amount.

13) Are income-related scholarships or financial benefits provided by the University of Pavia upon presentation of the ISEE?
The University of Pavia doesn't provide income-related scholarships/bonuses.

14) Are there grants or financial incentives?
Within each Vocational Program it's possible to award scholarships or grants (provided by external sponsors) to cover/repay all or part of the registration fee.
Information on admission requirements and award criteria are made public through the specific Attachment of the relevant Call for Admission and/or on the relevant Organizational Secretary website.

15) I'm enrolled in a Vocational Program: can I apply to another degree course of UNIPAVIA or other university?
Yes, at certain conditions. Please check the relevant webpage for further informations.

16) What services does the University offer to students of Vocational Programs?
For informations about this topic, please check the relevant webpage.

17) I want to drop out from the Program, after enrollment. What should I do?
You must submit an irrevocable request to the Post Laurea Office, as described on the relevant webpage.
There will be no refund of fees paid, except in the cases provided for in the Fees Regulation a.y. 2024/2025.

18) I completed the Vocational Program: when will the parchment be available?
The official graduation parchment can be issued within a period of two years from the end of the Vocational Program.
For more information on how to collect and the availability of parchments, please check the relevant webpage.

19) I need a certificate: who should I contact?
Certificates can only be produced to the private or public sector abroad, whereas in dealings with public administrations in Italy, only self-certification is permitted.
For more information, please check the relevant webpage.


1) How can I find an accommodation in Pavia?
We have listed all the possibilities of finding an accommodation in Pavia on the relevant webpage.

2) How much is the cost for renting a room in a private flat?
Rooms can be single or double and usually cost from € 250 to € 350 per month, depending also on the area. The historic center tends to be more expensive.
Pay attention to the voice “spese” (meaning additional costs for utilities such as light, gas, heating) mainly when there are “spese condominiali”. The cost can  be up to € 100 per month and per person).

3) Can I bring my pet with me?Is there any pet friendly residence/apartment?
Usually residences/private apartments are not pet friendly because the owners are afraid of any damage created by pets. If you do want to bring the pet with you make sure to communicate it to the residence/apartment owner before booking it to avoid any conflict.


1) What is the Codice Fiscale and how can I get it?
It is an alphanumeric code of 16 characters. The code serves to identify unambiguously individuals residing in Italy irrespective of residency status.

2) I am an EU citizen: how can I request a Codice Fiscale? 
Codice Fiscale is a document which is issued by the embassy of Italy in each country or by the Agenzia delle Entrate of the city of your city of study.
Since you don’t need to apply for a VISA, you can form a request for the fiscal code in the embassy.

If the embassy doesn’t offer such an offer, you may direct your request by this instruction to the Agenzia delle Entrate.

3) I am a Non-EU citizen: how can I request a Codice Fiscale? 
Codice Fiscale is a document which is issued by the Italian Embassy in each country or by the Agenzia delle entrate of the city of your city of study. Since you need to apply for a VISA in the embassy, you may also ask for the issuance of this document.

If the embassy doesn’t offer such a kind of service, you may direct your request by this instruction to the Agenzia delle Entrate.

4) I have the Codice Fiscale generated by the University’s enrollment system. Can I use that?
The Codice Fiscale you got during the enrollment is automatically generated by our system. Anyway it’s not officialized nor registered in the Italian tax system so you still need to apply for it through the Italian Embassy in your country or Pavia’s Agenzia delle Entrate. Read more in the Tax Code section.


1) How can I apply for the Residence Permit?
Please read more in the Residence Permit section.

2) My Residence Permit card has not been issued for a long time? What can I do?
In this case we advise you to consult with the university help desk for the Residence Permit that is located in the Questura. You can also contact via e-mail: .

3) How can I renew my Residence Permit?
For informations about how to renew your Residence Permit, you can contact via e-mail: .


1) I am an EU citizen and I have insurance. Should I buy an Italian insurance or can I use the one I have?
EU students (including students from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) can use their European Health Insurance Card - EHIC, which gives access to immediate necessary care under the same conditions as Italian citizens.

For further informations, please check the Health Insurance section.

2) I am a Non-EU citizen: do I need Italian Insurance for my VISA request?
To submit your request, usually you need travel insurance that covers your expenses. However, each embassy has its own specific requirements. Please make sure you will check this with your embassy.

Moreover, upon your arrival and in order to request for the Permit of Stay, you need to register for either private or SSN Italian insurance. 
For further informations, please check the Health Insurance section.

3) How can I ask for Italian insurance?
Upon your arrival in Italy, you can ask for this insurance by making the payment in the Post Office. Please consult the instructions here.

4) Why should I have insurance? For how long should my insurance cover?
In order to request your Permit of Stay, you need to present valid insurance for the whole year. Since the expiry date of your Permit of Stay is related to this document, you need a valid, 1-year insurance. We suggest you apply for getting the SSN social insurance of Italy since it gives you the opportunity to visit a doctor for free and the prices for visiting a specialist, test and medications are reduced. You can check out the details of the procedure here.

5) Are there any English speaking Doctors that I can choose from?
There are some doctors who can speak and understand English. You can ask the ASST officer to choose an English speaking doctor for you. Having access to all the Doctors profiles, they can help you out with choosing an English speaking Doctor. After completing the payment for your SSN insurance in the post office, you can consult this matter with ASST officers.

6) I have an emergency situation. What should I do?
In case of extreme necessity, you can go 24/7 to the PRONTO SOCCORSO (Emergency Room), of Policlinico San Matteo Hospital.
Take with you:

  • your personal documents
  • proof of your Health Insurance (Health Card or receipt of the payment).

Otherwise, you can call the EMERGENCY NUMBER 118.

1) What are the things I need to know for my university life?
Take a look at Campus where we have listed the most important things you should know during your study.

2) How can I apply for an Ateneo card?
The card must be requested by completing the appropriate questionnaire (menu item Questionnaires > General Questionnaires) available in your Reserved Area. Subsequently, Banca Popolare di Sondrio will send an email with instructions to schedule an appointment for collection.

Once you receive the email, you can visit us at the welcome office and pick it up.

3) How can I use my Ateneo card as a bank account?
After the collection of the Ateneo card, you need to activate it first to be able to use it. For this reason, to activate it as a credit card, email with the required documents attached. The full list of the documents requested and the exact procedure can be found here.

4) What is a Smart card and how can I apply for a Smart card?
The Smart Card allows students to access controlled-entry libraries and to use drinking water dispensers. 
You'll have to request your Smart Card, writing to
After receiving an e-mail. notifying that the card is available, collect your card at the Post Graduated Office, in Via A. Ferrata 5, during the opening hours > Tuesday: 10:00-12:00 / 14.00 -16.00.

5) I lost my Ateneo Card! My Ateneo Card is robbed! What should I do?
In order to ask for your new Ateneo card, you need to request a new one writing to

6) I lost my Smart Card! My Smart Card is robbed! What should I do?
In order to ask for your new Smart card, you need to request a new one by sending a request to

7) Does the University have a psychological support service?
Yes, a Psychological Counselling Service is active. This free service (in Italian and English) is for students, teachers and technical-administrative staff. The talks will take place via the Zoom video call platform with the necessary guarantees to protect privacy. To access, simply book according to the indications published on the related page.

8) Is there a library inside the University of Pavia?
Of course, and more than one! The University of Pavia has 9 libraries to serve its various faculties. The Library System of the Pavia University has activated online access to several e-books and e-journals. The list of the e-journals and e-books with reserved or free online access is available in Link Up (the specific service dedicated to the online resources) and in the Pavia Union Catalogue (OPAC) and the Italian union Catalogue of Serials (ACNP). More detailed information at this page.
To be admitted to the University Libraries, the user must apply to the library of his interest, using the Affluences App (if the library is reached by this service, also available in the web version or by sending an e-mail to the addresses listed in the extraordinary plan Phase 3.1. For the duration of the health emergency, the local and interlibrary loan will continue to be provided in ‘contactless’ mode and possibly even at home. Read more here.

9) Is there any university canteen or café inside the campus?
Yes! Check the Eating on Campus page.