Research facilities
The 18 Departments and 2 Faculties of the University of Pavia are organized according to homogeneous research sectors, aims, methodologies and teaching activities. Their main task is to promote and coordinate research activities, as well as to organize undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD courses. Each Department is headed by a Director and its activities are managed by a restricted board and a Council (which includes all teaching and research staff, as well as students and PhD’s representatives).
Research Centres’ main task to develop significant, long-term research activities based on a strongly multidisciplinary approach. They put together different research groups from different Departments. These activities may also be supported by external entities.
The research activities performed at the University of Pavia also benefit from the presence of important research infrastructures with advanced, state-of-the-art equipment. Among the most significant examples, we have:
- The Centre for Health Technologies (CHT)
- The European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE)
- The National Centre for Oncologic Hadrontherapy (CNAO).
In 2018, the Plan for the Acquisition of Scientific Equipment (PASS) has allowed the purchase of 12 main research equipments for a total cost of €8.5M, as well as the re-functionalization of research spaces and the creation of 6 new laboratories.