Open science
Open Science - conceived as "an approach to the scientific process focused on the timely dissemination of knowledge through the use of digital resources and the support of expert groups, publications, and events" (European Commission) - is increasingly gaining importance in recent years.
In addition to representing a fundamental objective of the European Commission's Research and Innovation strategy, Open Science is becoming an essential dimension within every research project and is manifested in 8 main directions:
- The so-called FAIR principle, which makes research data and results Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
- Research integrity, inspired by values of honesty, respect, transparency, and accountability.
- Next-generation metrics, capable of surpassing simple quantitative dimensions.
- Publication of research data and results in open access.
- Citizen Science, implying a bidirectional relationship between researchers and the general public, aiming to disseminate research results and gather input for new research topics.
- Continuous training and awareness-raising of researchers.
- Recognition, in the form of awards and incentives, for researchers who promote the open science approach.
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), which connects existing interoperable infrastructures at the European level for enhanced collaboration among researchers and research groups.
The University governance - supported by the Research and Third Mission Area - is fully aware of the indispensable role of Open Science in today's research landscape and has adopted since 2019 a University Policy for the management of the institutional research archive and for the application of the principle of open access to academic scientific production" and the related "deposit and publication license.
The University of Pavia boasts a rich scientific production in all fields of knowledge, being traditionally a multidisciplinary University. Professors deposit all products of their research in the IRIS system.