Eating on Campus
Explore the diverse dining options available on campus, including canteens and cafeterias catering to every taste and preference.
The Canteen Service is provided in facilities directly managed by EDiSU or managed as concessions.
- Mensa Collegio Fraccaro
Location: P.zza L. Da Vinci 2, Pavia
Hours: Monday-Saturday: lunch 12.00-14.00
- Mensa Collegio Castiglioni
Location: Via San Martino 20, Pavia
Hours: Monday-Sunday: lunch 12.00-14.00; Monday-Saturday: dinner 19.00-21.00
- Mensa Cravino
Location: Via Bassi 2, Pavia
Hours: Monday-Sunday: lunch 12.00-14.00; Monday-Friday: dinner 19.00-21.00
- Mensa Markas
Location: Via Ferrata 20, Pavia
Hours: Monday-Friday: lunch 12.00-14.00
Students can access the canteens at a special price (a complete meal from 4€ to 6,50€ according to the student’s economic situation) by downloading the app "EDiSU-Pavia.EAT" on their smartphone and generating a QR Code.
Visiting staff are welcome to dine at our campus canteens and enjoy meals at standard rates, paying the full price for the items they choose.
HUMANITIES CAMPUS - Il caffè all'Università
The university café, located in the central university building, in Cortile dei Tassi, offers food and drink. It is also a hub where students can study and socialize. Open 7.00-20.00 everyday except Sunday, when it is closed.
SCIENCES CAMPUS - La Bouvette dell’Ingegnere
A café in the scientific pole, La Bouvette Dell’Ingegnere, is located on Via Ferrata, 1. It is open 8:30-16:30 during the week but closed at weekends.
Starting from Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, based on the resolutions of the Academic Senate on November 21st, 2022, and the Board of Directors on December 22nd, 2022, the classrooms and study rooms in the buildings listed below can be used for meal consumption from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, if they are not occupied by classes.
The facilities involved are:
- Central Palace
- San Felice Palace
- San Tommaso Palace
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Molecular Medicine
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine
- Department of Clinical Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences – Viale Brambilla campus
- Cascina Cravino
- New Teaching Center - Cravino Campus
- Teaching Building - Cravino Campus
- Golgi Spallanzani Palace - Cravino Campus
- Acquae Campus
- Cremona Site
Water Dispensers
As part of UNIPV’s sustainability project, 9 water dispensers have been installed across the university. The machines are activated by the Smart Card and offer room temperature, cold, and carbonated water, with a limit of 2 litres/person per day.
- New Engineering Centre (Bordeaux Building)
- Engineering Floor C, Palazzo Botta 2
- Institute of Chemistry
- Institute of Physics
- San Tommaso pole
- Campus Acquae
- Rectorate, near the Board of Directors room