PNRR @Third mission
Establishment of a Network of Technology Transfer Centers, within the framework of the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – Program: Innovative Health Ecosystem E.3 - PNC-E3-2022-23683268 – CUP H53C22001280001

The University of Pavia is a partner in the Life Sciences Network PerfeTTO project. The project, with a total duration of just under eight years, includes a 42-month start-up phase, co-financed, plus a second phase of four additional years during which the initiative is able to sustain itself independently. The project involves over 50 partners including university hospital companies, universities, IRCCS (Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalization, and Health Care), IRST (Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization, and Health Care), foundations, associations, clinical institutes, and is funded by the Ministry of Health under the PNRR-PNC (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) with an amount of 15 million euros, exclusively aimed at further developing existing entities and covering 50% of the costs. The focus of the project is the creation of a coordinated national network of technology transfer centers with a multi-level structure, inclusive of the various realities of the Italian territory.
The project's vision is to create a network of existing Technology Transfer structures focused on life sciences research, aimed at stimulating the realization of new projects with potential market interest and the development and valorization of innovations, as well as enhancing and disseminating the culture of technology transfer.
The mission of the project is to systematize, share, and integrate expertise, methods, tools, resources, experiences, and contacts to rationalize interventions, promotion initiatives, and operational activities, and to promote the training of qualified professional figures. The project also aims to define sustainable actions in a long-term perspective, providing innovative services for the benefit of both public and private sectors.
The University of Pavia is involved in WP2 – "Education and Training," coordinated by the Saverio de Bellis Hospital. The activity of the WP focuses on the implementation of training courses and seminars for researchers and TTO (Technology Transfer Office) staff of the Network, on-the-job training programs involving the mobility of TT professionals to international TTOs or high-tech companies, acceleration paths, and start-up academies