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How to apply and enroll

Before applying, carefully read the Call for Admission and the Attachment of the course of your interest to proceed correctly with the application.

To apply, the following steps must be taken:

1) Register on the Student Portal: from the menu, at the top right, click on the REGISTER button and fill in the required data  (TUTORIAL available at the end of this chapter). Once the procedure is completed, the system will assign a USERNAME and a PASSWORD to be carefully kept to be used in subsequent phases.
Those who have already been enrolled at the University of Pavia must select the LOGIN button, instead, directly from the same menu. If you wish to retrieve or change your password, follow these instructions.

2) Select the following path from the menu: ADMISSIONS > ADMISSION TESTS > COMPETITIVE EXAM REGISTRATION and choose the course of interest (TUTORIAL available at the end of this chapter).

3) During the application, it is necessary to upload scanned copies of the following documentation:

  • identity document uploaded during registration (front and back)
  • complete curriculum vitae,listing the requirements for admission or any selection criteria indicated in art.7 (Vocational Program) or art. 6 (Advanced Course) of the Attachment to the Call for Admission of interest
  • documentation required in art.9 (Vocational Program) or art. 8 (Advanced Course) 'Attachments to upload for the admission application' of the Attachment to the Call for Admission of interest.

Candidates holding an ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION OBTAINED ABROAD, equivalent in duration and content to the Italian academic title required for access to the course of interest, may apply for admission.

During the online application procedure and within the deadlines set by art. 8 (Vocational Program) or art. 7 (Advanced Course) of the Attachment to the Call for Admission of interest, they must ALSO upload scanned copies of the following documents:

1.  Academic qualification required for admission issued in English/Spanish/French or officially translated in Italian 

  • LEGALIZED by the Italian embassy/consulate in your country (the legalization of documents is NOT required for Belgium, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland, France and Germany)
  • OR APOSTILLED (the apostille is only available for the signatory countries to the Hague Convention)
  • OR ACCOMPANIED by CIMEA Statement of Verification.

PLEASE NOTE: it is not mandatory to have the legalization/apostille/Statement of Verification, if not available yet, during the online application; but it will be necessary to have it within the enrollment deadline.

2.  Transcript of records (list of and relevant marks) issued in English/Spanish/French or officially translated in Italian

3.  IF your title HAS NOT been obtained in one of the Countries that are signatories to the Lisbon Recognition Convention

  • Declaration of Value (DoV) issued by the Italian embassy/consulate
  • OR CIMEA Statement of Comparability
  • OR Diploma Supplement (if the foreign qualification is issued by an european university).

     IF your title HAS been obtained in one of the Countries that are signatories to the Lisbon Recognition Convention

PLEASE NOTE: it is not mandatory to have the DoV/Statement of Comparability/Diploma Supplement/Statement of Correspondance, if not available yet, during the online application; but it will be necessary to have it within the enrollment deadline.

International applicants residing abroad must respect the 'Procedures for foreign students’ access to university courses in Italy', which can be consulted on the website of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

If the candidates are VISA applicants, they must also complete the registration on the Universitaly portal as described in the relevant section.

Italian citizens holding an academic title obtained abroad, which has not already been declared equivalent to an Italian degree, must follow the same above-cited procedure.

4) Pay an application fee of € 35, using the PagoPA system, within the deadlines set by art. 8 (Vocational Program) or art. 7 (Advanced Course) of the Attachment to the Call for Admission of interest: once the application process is completed, the candidate must return to the main page of the Homepage of the Student Portal, click on PAYMENTS, and select the invoice to be paid. The payment will be confirmed by the University within a few working days.

For international candidates residing abroad, payment can only be made by credit card, still using the PagoPA system. In case of problems in making the payment from abroad, contact the dedicated office at the email address:


1) Find out whether you need to apply for a study VISA:

  • EU citizens do not need it
  • non-EU citizens, residing outside of Italy, need to submit an online application in order to request a study VISA (type D).

To find out whether you need to apply for a study VISA at the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your country of residence - and what documentation you need - follow this link.
Further and detailed information is available on the website of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

2) Submit your application for a study VISA:
as established by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR), the  application for a study visa must be submitted online through the Universitaly portal (GUIDELINES available at the end of this chapter).

Bear in mind to upload a scan of:

  • passport
  • photocard
  • documents proving your education and that you comply the admission requirements for the post-graduated course of your interest (study diploma, certificate of degree, transcript of records, DoV,...).

Please note that the deadline to submit your application are set by art. 8 (Vocational Program) or art. 7 (Advanced Course) of the Attachment to the Call for Admission of interest.

3) Contact the Organizational Secretary of the course of your interest: if your admission to the post-graduated course is approved, your Universitaly application will be also approved and sent to the relevant authorities.

4) Complete the VISA application at the competent Italian authority:
the application must be completed at the competent diplomatic authority in your country. Check the Italian Embassy/Consulate contacts here.

with a VISA you are only allowed to travel back and forth to Italy.
Remember to upload it on your Student Portal to confirm your enrollment at the University of Pavia.



  • if you are a non-EU student (applying for a study VISA), make sure you have submitted your application on the Universitaly portal and that the VISA has been released
  • only admitted candidates can proceed to the enrollment procedure
  • admitted candidates must pre-enroll within the deadline indicated by the Organizational Secretary in the enrollment opening communication sent by e-mail.

To enroll, the following steps must be taken  (TUTORIAL available at the end of this chapter):

1) Log in your Student Portal and select the following path from the menu: REGISTRATIONS > ENROLLMENT > STANDARD ENROLLMENT > ENROLLMENT IN PROGRAMMED ACCESS COURSES (with selective entrance test) and follow the on-screen instructions provided by the system.

2) After confirming the post-graduated course you intend to enroll in, the system will require you to upload a passport-size photo showing the candidate's face clearly.>

3) Upload scanned copies of the following documents:

  • identity document uploaded during registration (front-back)
  • tax code ('codice fiscale')
  • residence permit/card OR study VISA (only for students with non-EU citizenship).

4) Complete the procedure for the selected post-graduated course.

5) Pay the enrollment fee within the deadline indicated by the Organizational Secretary in the enrollment opening communication sent by e-mail.

The Office will proceed to enroll those eligible, after receiving the enrollment fee payment and the required documentation within the prescribed deadlines. Candidates are enrolled conditionally pending verification of the admission requirements

6) Candidates with an academic qualification obtained abroad, in order to finalize their enrollment, must also deliver to Ufficio Master - Servizio Medicina e Post Laurea - Via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, within the deadline for enrollment:

  • the original version of ALL documents uploaded during the online application (see the previous step), necessarily comprehensive of Declaration of Value/Statement of Comparability/Diploma Supplement OR Statement of Correspondance
  • legalization/apostille/Statement of Verification academic qualification
  • the residence permit/card (only for students with non-EU citizenship).

Tax Code (“Codice Fiscale”) is the Italian tax identification number which is necessary to buy a SIM card, open a bank account, rent privately and apply for residence permit.

Please be aware that you must obtain the official copy of your Tax Code (on a paper stamped by “Agenzia delle Entrate” – Tax Agency), since the one generated automatically by the online calculation system/the University system is only an unofficial version of it.

You can obtain your Tax Code before or after arriving in Italy:

1) BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL > if the Italian Consulate/Embassy in your country offers this service, you can request an official Tax Code before your departure to Italy, during the VISA application process or the DOV request process.

2) AFTER YOUR ARRIVAL IN ITALY > only if enrolled, you can request it to the Revenue Agency (“Agenzia delle Entrate”) writing an e-mail to with the following text:
Vi inoltro la mia richiesta di codice fiscale. Sono uno studente internazionale immatricolato presso l’Università di Pavia, numero di matricola xxxxx (specify your matriculation number). Allego il mio documento di identità e il modello AA4/8 compilato in lingua inglese.
Molte grazie per l’attenzione.

Cordiali saluti,

YYYY (sign with your name)

Documents to be attached to the e-mail:

  • ID document
  • VISA (only for Non-EU students)
  • this FORM completed with all the required info (here instructions on how to complete the form).

Please be aware that personal data must be exactly the same as in the ID document.

Remember also that the Italian address is mandatory (in case you haven’t found a definitive accommodation yet, you can enter a temporary address in Pavia and province).

Revenue Agency will send you the tax code, via e-mail, within 1/2 weeks.

Non-EU students must request the Residence Permit ('Permesso di soggiorno')within 8 days from their arrival in Italy.

1) In order to be assisted in filling out the Residence Permit application ("KIT" which will be provided by the Help Desk), check the office opening hours and book an appointment with:
Help Desk Permit of Stay
Questura, Via Rismondo 68, Pavia
WhatsApp: 0039.3312312544

2) You should bring with you:

  • copy of your passport (without blank pages)
  • old residence permit (only in case of renewal)
  • proof of enrolment at the University of Pavia (self-certification of enrolment at the University/self-certification of enrolment with passed exams  in case of renewal - both downloadable from the Student Portal)
  • proof of residence (eg. house contract, hospitality document)
  • proof of financial support (eg. copy of credit card, bank statement)
  • € 16 revenue stamp ('marca da bollo'), to buy at the tabacco shop.

3) Once the KIT has been filled in, you must hand it in to the Post Office in order to send it to the Immigration Authorities. Fees will cost € 118,46.

4) After sending the KIT, you will be given a receipt of your application ('ricevuta').
On your recept you will see the date of your fingerprints appointment in the Police Station ('Questura').

5) When going to the appointment with the Immigration Office (Via Rismondo 68 - 27100 Pavia), do not forget to bring the following documents and wait in the waiting area until your name is called by an officer:

  • receipt of your application
  • passport
  • old residence permit (only in case of renewal)
  • if activated, a health insurance that covers 1 year from the day of the appointment, (min.coverage € 30.000).

6) The status of your Residence Permit can always be checked on Portale Immigrazione (use the username and password that can be found on the Post Office receipt).
When your Residence Permit is ready, you will receive a notification SMS. This usually takes about 40 days.
On the date of collection, you should bring your passport, receipt and, only in case of renewal, the old residence permit .

If you still have doubts about the Residence Permit, check the FAQ.

The activation of a Health Insurance, covering the entire period of stay in Italy, is strongly recommended for International students.

EU students (including those from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) must carry the European Health Insurance Card, which provides easier access to medical care while staying in other European states that use the card.

You can find here further information about this card.

You have two options:

1) Register with the Italian National Health Service (“SSN”) to get the Health Card (“Tessera Sanitaria”) and rely on public Healthcare as if you were Italian. The SSN will give you access to a general practitioner and reduced prices for medical examinations and treatments.

The registration runs from January to December, therefore in January of the following year it must be renewed.

Following the financial law no.213 voted and approved by the Italian government on 30 Dec.2023, from 1st January 2024 the SSN insurance price for international students has been raised from 149 Euros/year to 700 Euros/year

In order to register with the SSN, students must pay, via your own bank account or in any post office, choosing the F24 model inserting:

  • regional code 10
  • contribution code 8846

and specifying the contribution is for year 2025. 

After submitting the Residence Permit application, it will be necessary to book an appointment at the ASST of Pavia (Via Indipendenza 3, Pavia) to be assigned a doctor.

The necessary documents for the assignation are:

  • passport
  • tax code
  • receipt of the residence permit application
  • receipt of payment for registration in the SSN
  • self-certification of enrollment at the University (to be downloaded from the Student Portal)
  • self-certification of accommodation (the form is available directly at the ASST).

2) Purchase a private Health Insurance from abroad or in Italy.

Please note that private insurances mainly cover expenses only if you are hospitalized by ambulance or through the Emergency Room: if you choose this option, make sure to check all the contract conditions.

Each postgraduate course requires a dedicated contribution. For further information, please refer to the Attachment to the Call for Admission of interest.

For information on payment methods, please check the TUTORIAL.

The late payment fee is automatically generated after the acquisition of the overdue installment payment (from the second installment onwards). It amounts to € 82 (reduced by 30% for payments made within 15 days from the due date).

The deadline for the late fee is fictional as it refers to the beginning of the academic year; until it is regularized, it will not be possible to apply for the attainment of the degree.

Students with recognized disabilities ≥ 66% and students with disabilities, as certified under art. 3 paragraph 1 of Law 104/1992, enrolled in a Vocational Program or Advanced Course, are exempt from the administrative fee and the variable fee.

To benefit from this exemption, please send an e-mail to:

You can obtain a refund of the administrative fee and the variable fee (unless this possibility is EXCLUDED by the Call for Admission of interest), net of any stamp duty that will be retained by the University, in the following cases:

  • uncompleted enrollment in a post-graduated course > refund upon student's request
  • erroneous payments made for any reason, provided that the request is submitted within the mandatory deadline of 30 days from the payment date > refund upon student's request

using the procedure available on the relevant webpage.


Fees Regulation a.y. 2024/2025

Talk with us

Contact the Post-Graduate 

For administrative information only; for information on a specific course and on didactics, please contact the relevant Organizational Secretary.

Book an appointment

DESK in-person
Ufficio Post Laurea Via Ferrata 5 – Pavia
Tuesday: 10:00-12:00 / 14.00 -16.00

Please note that the desk in-person is only available for issuing certificates and practices not manageable through e-mail or calls.