Culture and society
Public Engagement is defined as the set of all activities that universities promote and support, which have educational, cultural, and social value and are non-profit-oriented. Among the annual public engagement activities carried out by the university, we can mention:
Continuing education refers to activities and programs for post-secondary learning available to students upon completion of a study cycle and to professionals, whether active or seeking employment, to update skills within their professional field or required new ones demanded by the evolving economic, social, cultural, and labor landscape. Currently, the University of Pavia offers the following programs and activities:
The University of Pavia has launched a series of initiatives and projects related to environmental and social sustainability, which are published on the OSA - Office for Sustainable Actions portal.
One of these initiatives is the EUROPEAN CAMPUS FOR CITY UNIVERSITIES – EC2U. Established in 2017 with funding from Erasmus+, the Alliance comprises seven historic European universities (with the recent addition of the University of Kiev) focused on education and research, and committed locally and globally. The ambition of the Alliance is to foster free mobility among the seven universities and associated cities based on a multi-level integration strategy. Additionally, the EC2U Alliance promotes a global initiative based on the challenges of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), selecting three goals to guide the initial stages of the Alliance's activities (2020-2023): Good health and well-being (#3), Quality Education (#4), Sustainable cities and communities (#11).
Articles 10 and 11 of the Cultural Heritage Code, Legislative Decree 42/2004, define cultural heritage as "immovable and movable property belonging to the State, regions, other territorial public entities, as well as to any other public entity and institution and private non-profit legal persons, including civilly recognized ecclesiastical entities, which have artistic, historical, archaeological, or ethno-anthropological interest." Thanks to its centuries-old history, the University of Pavia owns a vast cultural heritage, made available to the public through museums, archives, university libraries, and the Botanical Garden.
The CUS - University Sports Center of Pavia is an unprofessional sports association founded in 1946 by some university students. The main purpose of CUS Pavia is to promote, spread, and enhance physical education and sports activities for university students and the entire community, with a particular focus on young people.
The academic context in Pavia is characterized by its 16 colleges, both public and private, and a system of integrated services aimed at fulfilling the right to education and creating a stimulating learning environment for students.
The mission of the UniPV Alumni Association is to establish a network of contacts between the University and all former students through opportunities for meeting and relationship-building.