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In this section, you can find information related to the administrative structure of the University of Pavia: the administration chart, the list of technical and administrative structures with an indication of their respective competencies and contacts.

The central administration of the University achieves the objectives and programs defined by the University Governance Bodies through the allocation of necessary resources and through financial, technical, and administrative management.


Ms. Emma Varasio (ad interim)

  • Budget and Tax Service
  • Career and Personnel Competitions Service for University Staff and Relations with the National Health Service
  • Economic and Pension Treatment Management Service

The Human Resources and Financial Area coordinates activities related to the management of human and financial resources of the University and its organization.

It ensures the definition of guidelines in the field of Human Resources, guaranteeing optimal management of administrative, management, and organizational development processes of the University, in coherence with strategic guidelines, needs, and the evolution of current regulations. It ensures oversight of the economic and financial variables of the University, through the implementation of administrative, accounting, tax, budgetary policies, and administrative, tax, and contractual management of real estate assets, ensuring compliance, optimal management of financial resources, accounting integration of various structures, support to decision-making and information processes, general and accounting coordination of departmental structures and libraries, and relevant tax management.

It is responsible for the following areas of competence:

  • Ensure the definition and implementation of the University's staffing plan (teaching staff and technical-administrative staff), verifying and agreeing with various stakeholders (Institutional Bodies, General Director, Trade Unions, etc.) the conformity of University structures (organizational models, sizing, assignment of functions) to current and future needs;
  • Ensure the adaptation of the organizational structure and human resources to the evolution of university needs, ensuring oversight of recruitment, selection and mobility processes, training and development, incentive and remuneration policies;
  • Ensure oversight of processes related to economic treatment, in coherence with the evolution of contractual, tax, and pension regulations;
  • Ensure oversight of processes related to the administrative/contractual management of personnel, in coherence with the evolution of regulations;
  • Participate in the definition of policies, organization, and operational mechanisms concerning planning and monitoring of economic and financial flows of the University, preparation of budgets, financial statements, and consolidated budgets, management of the chart of accounts, ensuring their implementation and compliance with legal requirements;
  • Achieve accounting integration of various structures and the consolidated budget of the university, optimizing flows between the central administration and other autonomously managed structures;
  • Ensure efficient, timely, and complete management of administrative, accounting, and treasury processes, procedures, and systems;
  • Update regulations and develop methodologies and tools related to areas of competence and subsequently disseminate them within the University;
  • Identify, analyze, and design opportunities for optimizing financial resources, defining and implementing procedures and operational tools;
  • Handle tax compliance;
  • Coordinate autonomous structures.

The Cultural Heritage Area ensures and coordinates the management of the university's archival system, library system, and museum system for all functions necessary for the teaching, research, and "third mission" activities of the University.

The following structures are part of the Cultural Heritage Area:

  • Library Service
  • Digital Library Service
  • Documentary Resources Management Service
  • University Museum System (UMS)

University Archival Systems Service

Administratively, the following entities belong to the Cultural Heritage Area:

Center for the History of the University of Pavia (CeSUP)

Research Center on the Manuscript Tradition of Modern and Contemporary Authors (Manuscripts Center)

The Teaching and Student Services Area includes the following organizational structures:

  • Administrative Management and Student Contribution Management Unit
  • Educational Offer and Student Career Service structured into:
    • Educational Programming Unit
    • Enrollments and Student Information Unit
    • Admission Office Unit
    • Student Career Management Unit
  • Post-Graduate Service structured into:
    • Specialization Schools in the Health Area Unit
    • Post-Graduate Unit
  • Service Center "University Orientation Center" (C.OR.)
  • Service Center "Assistance and Integration for Students with Disabilities and Specific Learning Disabilities" (SAISD)

The Area coordinates and manages all activities related to the planning, accreditation, and establishment of the University's educational offer, student careers, and services aimed at them, with particular reference to orientation and placement.

The Administrative Management and Student Contribution Management Unit, under the direction of the Manager, supervises the administrative and accounting management of all affiliated structures and centers.

The Research and Third Mission Area ensures integration and professional, administrative, and organizational support to internal and external clients (departments, faculties, professors) regarding support in the management of university research projects, evaluation, and dissemination of research results, and valorization of know-how.

It is responsible for the following areas of competence:

  • Ensure support in drafting research projects;
  • Monitor and disseminate information on research funding opportunities;
  • Coordinate internal dissemination of information regarding participation in research activities;
  • Collaborate in activating an integrated communication strategy, in Italy and abroad, on the quality and results of research;
  • Support the development and proposal of systems and criteria for the evaluation of research and the use of resources;
  • Collaborate in creating and ensuring the update of the research register;
  • Ensure, based on inputs from the University Governance Bodies, the development of relations with public entities (regions, provinces, municipalities, chambers of commerce) and with companies for the identification of collaboration opportunities that enhance the know-how produced at the University.
  • Support, through dedicated structures, University Bodies in the development of actions aimed at the economic valorization of research results (researchers' spin-offs, consortia, service companies).
  • Ensure periodic verification of the effectiveness of internal regulations and related application tools;
  • Collaborate in patent registration activities and their economic valorization;
  • Ensure the organization and administrative management of doctoral schools;

Collaborate with University structures dedicated to the promotion and involvement of PhD students in the productive world, in collaboration with companies or as their representatives for all activities linking research and its application (doctoral scholarships, applied research projects, etc.).

The Head of the Information Systems Area coordinates activities related to the operation of the university's IT services.

The area is divided into the following services:

  • Architecture and Processes Service
  • Operations and Infrastructure Service
  • Quality and Demand Management Service

The Head of the Technical and Security Area coordinates activities related to the operation of the university's technical and building services.

The area is divided into the following services:

  • Programming and Accounting Management Unit ATS
  • University Building Service
  • Facility and Utilities Management Service
  • Tender and Procurement Service
  • Security and Health Service
  • Logistics Service

The International Relations, Educational Innovation, and Communication Area is divided into the following services:

  • Communication Service
  • Educational Innovation and Digital Communication Service
  • International Relations Service
  • University Language Center
  • Center for Global Strategic Engagement (GLOBEC)