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Inroad +

Our Mission

INROAd+INstitutional HoRizOn Europe Committee UniPV, Ed. 2022

INROAd+ is designed to regulate the selection procedures and the implementation of:

  • Fostering ERC talents @UNIPV
  • Boosting Competitiveness of HORIZON EUROPE Co-ordinators @UNIPV

Fostering ERC talents @UNIPV has the objective of supporting excellence in research in view of the presentation of ERC projects through tutoring and mentoring activities, overseen directly by a dedicated Committee (INROAd+ committee).

Boosting Competitiveness of HORIZON EUROPE Co-ordinators, foresees the financing of activities which optimise project proposals in partnership with other institutions, to be coordinated by a Researcher from the University of Pavia, and that will be presented in the framework of a Horizon Europe call.