Links condivisione social


Our Mission

To create a community of University of Pavia graduates that contributes, among other things, to the development, enhancement, and growth of the University's reputation.

In carrying out its mission, the Association aims to promote the development of cultural and professional relationships among its members in order to strengthen the associative base and contribute to the creation of relationships among members, the University, and the alumni of the Colleges, which, for the reality of Pavia, constitute a strength.

The new UniPV Graduates Community is the social network that facilitates connection, contacts, exchange of ideas, and experiences among its members.


Starting from this mission contained in the statute, the Association sets the following objectives:

  • To value the historical, cultural, and scientific heritage of the University;
  • To disseminate, through multiple initiatives, the values ​​inspired by the University;
  • To enhance the role of University graduates and strengthen their sense of belonging;
  • To promote the entry of young graduates into the professional world through the exchange of experiences and networking among members, also through the Community and its interactive tools, such as posts, Antenna groups, and events;
  • To provide exclusive services to its members;
  • To promote the conditions for a continuous collection of resources through donations from individual members in order to support the University's development and research projects;
  • To contribute to the prestige of the University, also through awards and recognition.