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Locandina Univenture 2023

The winners!

First place goes to the BeeShield project, an innovative solution that combines vision and artificial intelligence to monitor hives in real time to address the critical problem of Vespa velutina (Asian hornet), an invasive alien predator that threatens bee populations and honey production in Europe.

Second place is awarded to the VR-PSY project, based on the use of the metaverse to offer psychological assistance in an innovative context, customizable for each patient, and accessible via a special application installed on the viewer.

Now in its ninth edition, Univenture is the project of the University of Pavia and MIBE, in partnership with the Municipality of Pavia, aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship and innovation through the contamination between the academic community and entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs.

A total non-repayable prize of €10,000 is available for the winners of the competition.

This year's edition introduces a novelty linked to the PNRR: a reward for projects that target primary agro-industry issues. Those who propose a project in this area, if selected, will have the opportunity to activate a consultancy with researchers from the University of Pavia from the Departments of Earth and Environmental Science, Industrial and Information Engineering, and Civil Engineering and Architecture, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Biology and Biotechnology, Mathematics and Political Science with the value of €50,000.


Deadline: October 29th, h. 23 59.


Apply now!


The winners of the 2023 edition: first prize winner, VR-PSY, which promotes the use of virtual reality, remotely or in person, to offer psychological assistance even to those who are not in the optimal environmental conditions to receive it; second prize, BEESHIELD, which addresses the critical issue of Vespa Velutina (Asian hornet), which threatens bee populations and honey production by combining artificial vision and intelligence for real-time hive monitoring.

The winners will be awarded on March 27, 2024 at the Municipality of Pavia.

Participation rules