Interdepartmental research centres
The research centers of the University of Pavia are dedicated to the development of important long-term research activities based on a strongly interdisciplinary approach, which may involve multiple research groups from different departments. These activities can also be promoted and supported by external entities to the University.
List of Inter-departmental Research Centres
- Interdepartmental Research Center "Water Research Center"
- Centre for Health Technologies (CHT)
- Interdepartmental Multimedia Research Center on Ancient Theatre (CRIMTA)
- Interdepartmental Research Center for the Teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Technologies (CRIDACT)
- Interdepartmental Center for Studies and Research on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (CISRIC)
- Interdepartmental Research Center on Migration and Gender Recognition Diversity (MERGED) – formerly Gender Studies Research Center
- Interdepartmental Center for Studies and Research on the History of the Twentieth Century
- Interdepartmental Research Center European Centre for Law, Science and New Technologies (ECLT)
- Interdepartmental Research Center for Molecular Medicine in the Diagnosis and Prevention of Cardiovascular Metabolic Diseases (CIRMC)
- Interdepartmental Research Center for the History of Electrical Technology (CIRSTE)
- Interdepartmental Center for Studies and Research on Higher Education Systems (CIRSIS)
- Interdepartmental Center for Studies and Research on Human Nutrition and Eating Disorders (CENTRONU)
- Interdepartmental Center for Studies and Research on Road Safety (CIRSS)
- Interdepartmental Research Center for Advanced Materials and Devices (MADE) – formerly Interdepartmental Center for Laser Research, Optical Spectroscopy and Materials for Photonics (CILSOMAF)
- Interdepartmental Center in Motor and Sports Activities (CRIAMS)
- Interdepartmental Research Center for Technologies Applied to Regenerative Medicine and Inductive Surgery "T.A.ME.RI.C.I."
- Interdepartmental Research Center for Sports Biology and Medicine
- Center for Studies on Non-European Peoples "Cesare Bonacossa"
- Interdepartmental Research Center "Organization and Governance of Public Administration"