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The cultural and professional profile of this program is designed to provide a solid managerial foundation that equips students with the knowledge necessary to navigate the ongoing changes and evolution in the economic and business environment in which companies operate today. The program includes a common core of multidisciplinary courses aimed at giving students the essential analytical tools for managerial knowledge, complemented by elective courses chosen from predetermined fields.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Francesco Velo
Degree class
LM-77 - Management
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose two subjects Choose two subjects
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose two subjects Choose a subject Choose a subject 12 elective ECTS (CFU). It is possible to choose among all subjects offered by the University (12 CFU)

Educational goals

The degree course in Economics and Business Management aims to provide students with advanced management knowledge, and prepares them to successfully cope with the evolution and constant changes being experienced by social and economic systems. The distinctive feature of this course is its multidisciplinary nature. With the intention of meeting actual market requirements, the course is positioned among the converging fields of management of private (for profit and not for profit) and public companies, banking and financial intermediation as well as the management and organisation of human resources. This educational background has a dual value. On the one hand, it provides a solid grounding in business management and its mechanisms, and equips students with the analytical tools essential to understand all areas of management. On the other, it helps students to develop specialised competences by offering them the possibility to choose among a wide range of streams. The course aims to provide graduates with the advanced methodological and theoretical knowledge necessary to make strategic decisions in managerial or professional roles; in addition, they will be able to implement these decisions taking the company structure into consideration. The following outcomes are expected to be achieved by graduates: -an extensive knowledge of both management processes and of the rationales underlying business decisions; -a high level of expertise in the four main languages of business management (legal/institutional, political/economic, quantitative and managerial); -an ability to use quantitative methods to analyse the processes and decisions related to specific contexts of application corresponding to the chosen stream; -the ability to measure, represent and control the main management and strategy issues facing businesses and, at the same time, to independently obtain the necessary information to interpret economic issues and manage the effects they have on business; -an ability to interface with various stakeholders and to report information and data allowing for the differences among them in terms of understanding and expertise; -the necessary cognitive skills and ability to update the knowledge acquired, not only through hands-on experience but also by trying new learning solutions. The course programme has been divided into four semesters; together with the core modules, designed to provide a sound methodological foundation, the course comprises a set of multidisciplinary modules which vary according to the stream chosen. Each stream consists of a range of modules aimed at deepening the following areas: management, economics and management of financial intermediaries and corporate finance, human resource management and organisational behaviour. In addition, the course encompasses modules related to environmentally sustainable production, sociology, new technologies, information systems management and to social statistics. The multidisciplinary approach allows students to focus on the disciplinary areas which most characterise the second-level degree course. The specific purpose of the course is to enable students to acquire the necessary competences to understand and interpret the complex development and innovation processes at the basis of national and international economic and production systems, in the light of the ongoing changes brought about by globalisation and European integration. At the end of the course, students are required to write a personal research dissertation and to discuss the results attained in front of an academic commission. The course aims to provide students with the appropriate operational tools in order to produce professionals for public and private service sectors and manufacturing industry.

Career opportunities

Throughout Europe there is considerable demand for graduates with strong managerial skills, a sound technical and organisational education, and able to operate within an intercultural dimension. Recent surveys show an increase in the employment rate of individuals with a strong interdisciplinary education, who are equipped to cope with complex situations. Students, for their part, express considerable (qualitative and quantitative) interest in courses which combine business administration methodologies and modules covering specific sectors of industry and disciplines. Graduates in Economics and Business Management find employment in several different areas, from service and manufacturing sectors, to public and territorial institutions, and they also work as professional consultants. The course equips graduates to work in several professional areas: as managers in public and private companies or in non-profit associations; as entrepreneurs, i.e. creators of start-ups, leaders, innovators and modernisers of organisations; as managers in various functional areas of a company. The course covers the following subjects in depth: marketing, finance, production and organisation. In addition, in order to meet the needs of entrepreneurs and top managers, particular attention will be paid to strategic studies on innovation, partnerships and cooperation between the public and private sectors. As freelance certified accountants with specific knowledge enabling them to act as financial advisers. As managers in the public sector, with responsibilities for innovating and modernising the public administration, as well as managing public and private sector relations. In jobs related to promoting European integration and globalisation. Such positions offer graduates the opportunity to apply the interdisciplinary and intercultural approach acquired in their studies.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the master's degree program, students must hold a bachelor's degree (including those obtained under the regulations preceding the D.M.509/1999 and subsequent amendments and integrations) or a three-year university diploma, or another foreign qualification recognized as suitable by the competent authorities of the University. Additionally, admission requires meeting curricular requirements and having adequate initial preparation. The curricular requirements consist of the competencies and knowledge acquired by students in their previous educational path, expressed as a number of credits related to specific scientific-disciplinary areas outlined in the Didactic Regulations. The latter also defines the procedures for verifying the adequacy of students' initial preparation.