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The Master's Degree Program in "Agri-food Sustainability" provides a solid education in agricultural sciences and technologies through a multidisciplinary approach aimed at achieving high production while being mindful of the environment, agricultural producers, and consumers' health, all within a sustainability framework and an integrated "one health" perspective. All courses are taught in English. Graduates will be able to plan and manage agricultural production (particularly the quality of supply chains), acquiring a broad agro-ecological and market perspective, and to develop and manage innovation within agricultural enterprises and supply chains. Additionally, they will be attentive to post-production and the impact that agri-food products can have on human health.

There are two tracks within the program. The first focuses on agricultural production systems based on agro-ecology and sustainable agriculture in general. Courses and field activities delve into the interactions between crop plants and pathogens (insects, fungi, weeds), the effects these have on crops, and the possibilities for sustainable and environmentally friendly control, in addition to production. This track also includes general planning and design skills for rural areas, using mathematical models and information and telecommunication tools.

The second track pays particular attention to post-production, emphasizing high organoleptic and nutritional quality, distribution, and the food industry (aimed at better directing agricultural businesses and their activities toward new production and market opportunities). Courses and field activities focus on acquiring operational and managerial knowledge on the preservation and post-harvest treatment of products and their impact on human health. This track also includes knowledge of techniques, including laboratory techniques, for quality control of various agricultural production supply chains and the industrial sector.

Overview of the program

2 years
Coordinator of the course
Paola Nola
Mathematic, Physical and Natural Sciences
Degree class
LM-69 - Agricolture
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Choose a subject 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject
Year of study: 2
Compulsory 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)

Educational goals

The objective of the Master's Degree Program in "Agri-food sustainability" is to provide students interested in achieving comprehensive training in agronomy with a cultural framework and advanced skills for exercising highly qualified professional activities in specific fields. These fields range from sustainable food production, both economically and environmentally, to considering the nutritional and functional value of food in all stages of production. This includes not only from the ground to the plate but also considering the environmental and consumer health aspects. The program aims to address current and future needs of the job market and food marketing in general, with the goal of training a new advanced professional figure in agronomy capable of understanding, integrating, and managing sustainability issues in agriculture and environmental contexts. This professional will be technically competent in agronomy while also being attentive to human health (including production lines leading to the creation of "health-focused" products), achieved through understanding and changing the food production system within a rapidly transforming context. Graduates will be capable of facilitating the creation and development of quality agri-food chains produced sustainably. Additionally, they will be highly trained technicians capable of interacting and, if necessary, collaborating professionally with the post-production distribution world and its transformation, up to responsible consumption, all aimed at better guiding agricultural productions themselves. Furthermore, the program provides skills and methodologies to transfer knowledge and innovative processes to agricultural enterprises in connection with the agri-food processing and marketing industry, including expanding sectors such as health-focused products. To achieve these objectives, the program will be structured to include a common base of courses related to the main disciplinary areas of the Class, with particular reference to plant production (including agro-ecological issues and biodiversity conservation), soil fertility and conservation, genetic improvement, as well as economic and managerial aspects. Subsequently, the training path will be divided into two curricula, aimed at acquiring diversified knowledge about the factors influencing agricultural production in order to achieve high production levels sustainably, as well as acquiring operational and managerial knowledge about the means and technologies to be used in the conservation and post-harvest treatment of products, with an awareness of the effects this can have on human health. Specifically, one of the two paths will train agronomists capable of closely connecting the activities of agricultural companies with food transformation, including for specific products functional to human health. Great attention will also be given to understanding the economic aspects of production and the demo-ethno-anthropological problems of rural areas, including tropical and subtropical ones, given the international nature of the degree program. The training path will be structured with lectures, exercises, and activities aimed at guiding and accompanying students into the workforce, concluding with the final thesis project.

Career opportunities

The main career opportunities for graduates include: Professional farmer Manager/consultant for agricultural companies, particularly those involved in or expanding into fields such as sustainable agriculture, both conventional and integrated, as well as organic farming Consultant for agricultural companies on EU "green" programs, focusing on interventions to reinforce the eco-sustainability of the European Union's economy. Specific competencies include current regulations, sustainable use of phytosanitary measures, CO2 reduction/compensation, and conservation and use of biodiversity Consultant for agricultural companies, individually or collectively, to improve production performance, especially considering the current context of profound climate change. Specific competencies include strategic choices for the implementation of new productions and suitable seeds for standard productions Technical consultant for companies transitioning to or already operating under "Organic" regulations, both domestically and internationally Consultant for agricultural companies, individually or collectively, to implement digitalization and computerization processes within the company. This includes networking with external databases (e.g., meteorological databases, satellite data), ground-based monitoring networks, sensor technology, and the use of satellites and drones Consultant for agricultural companies in liaising with food industries to guide production towards raw materials of adequate quality, including products beneficial to human health and well-being Consultant/employee of product certification entities, including the acquisition of European brands (e.g., IGP, DOP, DOC, etc.) Consultant/manager for agricultural services within public territorial bodies at various levels or their technical agencies.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the Master's Degree Program, the student must hold a bachelor's degree (including those obtained under the regulations preceding Ministerial Decree 509/1999 and subsequent amendments and integrations) or a three-year university diploma, or another foreign academic qualification recognized as suitable by the competent authorities of the University. Additionally, the student must meet specific curricular requirements and have adequate personal preparation. The curricular requirements are automatically recognized for those holding a bachelor's degree in the following classes: L-25 - Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies and L-26 - Agri-food Sciences and Technologies according to the previous educational regulations under Ministerial Decree 270/04 and the corresponding classes established under the previous educational regulations under Ministerial Decree 509/99. Candidates who have obtained a three-year bachelor's degree in other classes are also admitted if their educational path has allowed them to acquire at least 45 CFU in 5 different SSDs among those indicated below: AGR (from 01 to 16) BIO/01 - General Botany BIO/02 - Systematic Botany BIO/03 - Environmental and Applied Botany BIO/04 - Plant Physiology BIO/05 - Zoology BIO/07 - Ecology BIO/09 - Physiology BIO/10 - Biochemistry BIO/18 - Genetics BIO/19 - General Microbiology GEO/04 - Physical Geography and Geomorphology GEO/05 - Applied Geology CHIM/03 - General and Inorganic Chemistry CHIM/06 - Organic Chemistry CHIM/10 - Food Chemistry ICAR/01 - Hydraulics ICAR/02 - Hydraulic and Maritime Constructions and Hydrology ICAR/03 - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering ICAR/06 - Topography and Cartography The student's adequate personal preparation will be verified through specific methods outlined within the Academic Regulations of the Degree Program. Finally, to access the Master's Degree Program, the student must be proficient in English (level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), both written and spoken, including discipline-specific vocabulary.