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The Master’s Degree Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering offers training for a professional role that is fundamental to society, equipping students with analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking.

The program combines traditional engineering education with a modern perspective focused on the new competencies required of engineers. The skills acquired enable graduates to work effectively in both the design and implementation phases, as well as in management roles, within the fields of civil engineering and environmental engineering.

The strong foundation in physical and mathematical sciences, combined with advanced engineering knowledge provided by the program, gives graduates a well-rounded and highly valued cultural background in the job market. This background supports both specialized professional careers and diverse, broad-spectrum project or managerial activities.

Overview of the program

3 years
Coordinator of the course
Giulia Scalet
Degree class
L-7 - Civil and environmental engineering
PAVIA - University of Pavia
Year of study: 1
  • PHYSICS 12 CFU - 124 hours Annual
Year of study: 2
Compulsory 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (6 CFU)
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Choose a subject (6 CFU) 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (6 CFU) 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (6 CFU)
Year of study: 1
  • PHYSICS 12 CFU - 124 hours Annual
Year of study: 2
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Scegli un insegnamento (6 CFU) 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (6 CFU) 6 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (6 CFU)

Educational goals

The degree programme seeks to produce professionals able to work in project development as well as implementation and management in civil and environmental engineering. The solid physics-mathematics and engineering background will provide the graduate in Civil and Environmental Engineering with the educational background that has long been appreciated by employers, one that is suited to both a highly specialized professional activity and a varied and broad-based project design or management activity. The academic programme provides the engineering student with the necessary basic background in maths, physics, chemistry and computer science as well as in the traditional engineering subjects (technical physics, hydraulics, construction science and techniques, topography). Moreover, the student will also acquire the skills for specific work at the project development, implementation and management levels in the fields of civil and environmental engineering and soilprotection. As regards Civil Engineering, the career preparation includes in particular:- project development and the management of structural engineering works;- project development and the management of transportation infrastructural systems;- project development and the management of hydraulic networks for water provision or drainage;As regards Environmental and Territorial Engineering the career preparation specifically includes: - the analysis of pollution and the control of environmental quality;- the planning and management of hydraulic systems (aqueducts, sewers, water treatment facilities involving the urban water cycle);- project development and the management of waste treatment systems;- project development for hydraulic works for developing hyrographic basin systems. The academic programme is completed by courses in Economics and Law and, ifstudents so desire, by an internship with a local government office or an organization, firm, public or private body operating in the field of civil and environmental engineering.The practical and applied aspects of the programme begin already in the second year,reinforced by lab work and practical lessons (some of which strongly project-oriented). However, the programme is not viewed as merely career-oriented (and thus to some degree competing with the scientific training) but as an indispensable experiential learning phase regarding theory, and as such a prerequisite for higher-level courses. This approach, based on a balanced integration between theory and technical applications, will enable the engineering student to acquire by the end of the three-year cycle a strong educational background on which the more motivated students can, through the ensuing two-year specialist programme, attain a highly-qualified preparation.

Career opportunities

The main job opportunities for environmental engineers are:- free-lance activities, either individually or as part of engineering firms, in planning, design, work supervision, work testing, consulting, monitoring, and environmental impact analysis;- employment in national and international firms in the fields of construction and the maintenance of civil works, facilities and infrastructures;- employment with organizations, local authorities, consortiums and agencies that manage works and services (municipal authorities, drainage and irrigation authorities, water supply consortiums, water purification consortiums);- employment with professional studios and engineering firms in the fields of project development, work supervision, the testing of works and the assessment of the environmental impact and compatibility of projects and works;- employment with public authorities that plan, design and manage urban and territorial systems (municipalities, provinces, regions, etc.);- employment with control and environmental protection authorities (environmental authorities, river basin authorities, local health authorities);

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the bachelor's degree program, students must hold a high school diploma as required by current regulations or another foreign qualification recognized as suitable by the competent authorities of the University. Regarding the initial preparation, specific knowledge in Mathematics and the ability to use English adequately are considered essential; a good basic knowledge of Physics (and Chemistry) is also deemed important. The Faculty offers students intending to enroll a test (entrance exam), the result of which assesses the overall competence level of the student in the aforementioned areas. Specifically concerning Mathematics and English Language, any knowledge deficit of the student can be inferred from the same test, which can be subsequently compensated after enrollment. For students with deficits, the Faculty organizes remedial courses with relative assessment and provides study tools and self-learning resources, including in the linguistic field. The procedures for recovering any educational gaps and deficits of the student (to be filled in any case within the first year of studies) are regulated by the Didactic Regulations of the bachelor's degree program.