Italian Erasmus
What is Italian Erasmus
Italian Erasmus is a national mobility program aimed at promoting interdisciplinary and flexible study paths, fostering integration among Italian universities funded by the Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The program is based on agreements established between various Italian universities.
Mobilities will be possible from the II semester of 2024-25 for a minimum of 3 months to 6 months. The University of Pavia guarantee a full recognition of passed didactic activities based on Learning agreement and a Transcript of Records issued by the hosting HEI.
A financial contribution of €600.00 per month is provided for students with an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) up to €36,000, depending on available Ministerial funding.
It is also possible to apply as a zero-grant student.
Who can apply
Students regularly enrolled to 2-years or long-cycle degree for the a.y. 2023/2024.
Degree courses that activated the programme will be published soon.
Where You Can Go
For A.Y. 2024-25, the University of Pavia has established agreements with the following universities:
· University of Naples Federico II
· University of Padua
· University of Pisa
· University of Bologna
· University of Catania
You can choose one of the locations offered for your Study Area by consulting the lists of locations or seeking support from the Delegate of your Erasmus Area.
How You Can Participate
You can participate by applying on your Reserved Area, following the instructions and deadlines in the relevant Call.
Call for applications
Please check the call for applications attached at the bottom of the page.
The deadline for submitting applications is September 13, 2024, at 1:00 PM.
Selection Criteria and Rankings
Ranking is based on course of study, merit coefficient and motivation used for International Erasmus Mobility Programme allocation and destination.
Allowed academic activities
The following activities are allowed, provided they are consistent with your study program at UNIPV:
· Attendance of university courses and related exams and combining periods of internship. For some study programs, the activities that can be followed have already been defined (proposed learning agreement).
· Preparatory activities for the thesis (excluding research work not relevant to your study program).
Before starting the mobility, students must submit their study program (Learning Agreement). The Learning Agreement should generally include, with reference to the academic semester:
· Mobility to Naples, Pisa, Padua: at least 12 ECTS
· Mobility to Bologna and Catania: at least 6 ECTS
Contact us
To receive information on how to apply, contact the International Mobility Unit at: